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    The Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage (DiLBEC) of the University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ is one of the 180 Departments of Excellence of the Italian University System, and one of the few in the Humanities sector in the southern regions of the country.

    This exceptional outcome is beyond doubt the result of the combined effort of high quality research and dedicated teaching activities conducted on the part of the Department’s academic staff, but it is also a direct achievement of a constructive development project that the Department has been able to pursue throughout the years. This long-term endeavor has consolidated the synergy of local realities and widened the scope of academic studies with an international perspective.

    Located in S. Maria Capua Vetere (Caserta), the Department is housed in a very modern building called the ‘Aulario’ on via Raffaele Perla 21. This structure is fully equipped with spacious classrooms, laboratories and multi-purpose student spaces such as libraries, study areas and meeting rooms. Student Administration offices are also located in the same building.

    DiLBEC’s mission aims to establish a successful relationship between teachers and students by placing them at the center of university life. To this purpose, the Department operates in accordance with the University's Code of Ethics, rejecting any form of social, ideological, cultural, religious, racial, and gender discrimination and bias.

    The Dean of the Department is Professor Giulio Sodano.

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